GET SET GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Tip

Drive safe in the rains

• You must always keep some emergency supplies at hand in your car during the rainy season.

• Always carry a flashlight, as well as a first-aid kit. These don’t take up much room but they can be real lifesavers in an emergency.

• Make sure to include blankets, a portable shovel and material for traction, a change of clothing, with an extra pair of shoes too.

• Think safe. Once in your car, make sure your doors are locked.

• Take note of your surroundings and be aware of where you are by recalling street names or landmarks. This is important if you get stuck somewhere.

• If you have symptoms of car trouble, act before it escalates to more than symptoms. Pull into a well-lit, preferably populated, area for help.

• Beware of people masquerading as volunteers or police officers, especially those not wearing a badge and in unmarked cars.

• Experts suggest that you instead travel directly to a police station and park in a well-lit area, using your horn to summon officers inside.

• If you suspect you are being followed, seek out a police station, too.

• Do not go home and direct any stalker there. And, don’t leave valuables in your car, that’s a must.

• Use a steering lock, and don’t put your name and address on your key ring, that’s just asking for trouble. @ Approach your vehicle purposefully, ready to unlock and get inside.

• Make sure to glance around to see that no one close to or inside your car.

• If you suspect something, return to your the place you started off from and ask someone to walk you back to your car.

DATE : 18/06/2008


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